Helsinki Police have released new pictures of a suspect they want to question in connection with a violent assault in the city.
The incident happened almost a year ago on 4th August 2018, but since then officers have drawn a blank on the man they’re looking for. trace the man they are looking for.
According to the police, the assault began when the suspect was cut off by a woman driving a car at the intersection of Väinämöisenkatu and Arkadiankatu in Helsinki’s Etu-Töölö neighbourhood.
The man reacted angrily to that, picking up a stone and smashing the car windscreen. After he left the area, the driver followed him but he spotted her and shoved her to the ground, kicking her repeatedly including several blows around the head according to officers.
The woman was able to protect herself by raising her arms to her head, and also managed to take some video of her attacker, before being taken to hospital by ambulance for treatment for a broken arm.
Now, police say they’re making a renewed bid to find the man who is described as 180cm tall, who had blond curly hair down to his shoulders at the time of the assault and wearing a black t-shirt.
“We have been receiving quite many tips from people who think they recognise the guy who is on the video” says Detective Chief Inspector Pekka Korhonen from Helsinki Police.
“We are checking all the time those notes and tips in order to solve the case but the investigation is still on-going and not completed yet” he tells News Now Finland.
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