Police Detain Man After School Threat Lockdown

250 pupils at school near Turku put on lockdown after threats received on the telephone.

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File photo: Loukinaisten koulu, Lieto / Credit: Wikicommons Media

Police in southwest Finland have taken a man into custody, after a threat was telephoned to a local school.

Officers were called to Loukinaisten school in Lieto, near Turku, after the school received a telephone call from a man who sounded “confused and acting threateningly” according to officials.

The school principal Pekka Vasara tells Iltalehti newspaper that his staff were told to keep students inside, with the doors locked. The same instructions were also given to a nearby daycare centre for pre-school children.

The primary school has 250 pupils.

Police say the incident is now over, and they took a man into custody at a private residence.