Animal rights award for First Lady Jenni Haukio

Jenni Haukio was presented with an award for her animal advocacy work at a gala event on Friday.

First Lady Jenni Haukio receives an award from SEY / Credit: Karolin Köster

First Lady Jenni Haukio has received an award for her support of a national animal charity.

Haukio received the ‘Thanks from the Animals’ award presented by the Finnish Animal Protection Association SEY at a gala event in Helsinki on Friday evening.

The First Lady was recognized for her efforts to speak and write about the various issues impacting animals in Finland including the fur farming industry, livestock production, animal rights and the reform of the animal welfare act.

In her speech, Jenni Haukio reminded the guests at the gala that every single year million of farm animals die in Finland, and that all of them would have rather lived.

President Niinistö and Mrs Haukio both pledged in 20188 to be patrons of the Finnish Animal Protection Association.